Thursday, August 14, 2008

I learned my lesson...

Being new to spinning, I have been very intent on finishing one yarn just to ply it and start on the next. This obsession left no time or desire to actually block my yarn so I ended up with a heap of about 10 to 12 skeins before I realized things were out of hand. While I should perhaps have learned now that washing all that yarn at once is a grueling task, what I really learned was to make sure those ties are TIGHT. What a mess...
The entire thing was a knot after I got through with whipping it about outside to get the excess water out. My precious knubby slubbed yarn seemed beyond repair. After a lot of frustration and working on the knot while I was on a camping trip it is now beautifully skeined waiting to be wound into a lovely ball. Earflap hat, here I come!

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