Wednesday, March 11, 2009

my favorite type of blog...

To be honest, I think I have read very few blogs directly from the internet. About 90% of the blogs I have read have been in Artful Blogging. Maybe it is just my thing for magazines (an obsession really,) but I just can't seem to get into them as much if they aren't in that book format. My absolute favorite blog postings that I have read, either in the publication or on the web, are the ones where these amazing artists talk about their serene mornings and how they start out their day. I figured I'd give it a shot this morning because I'm feeling particularly serene and happy despite the mountain of laundry left to do.

Anyhow, this is my "every other Wednesday" off. It is only the third one I have had and I'm really beginning to count on them and yearn for them. It is so wonderful to work Monday and Tuesday knowing that I will have this little break in the middle of the week to do the things I really WANT to do.

I started my day squished in bed unable to move very far. I almost panicked until I realized I was sandwiched between a sleeping Irish Setter and a rather sleepy kitty. I hadn't woke up this way in a few weeks and was so pleased that I lay there a bit longer just to savor it. When the shower beckoned my name. Afterward I folded some laundry (ick!) and made myself a bowl of oatmeal, poured a glass of Simply Apple and sat down to do a little writing. I feel terrific, which is a familiar feeling but one I haven't had in a while, at least not at the beginning of my day.

Later on I'm meeting a friend for coffee at my favorite coffee shop. My punch card is full so my orange mocha will be free today! It is a good thing too because I am BROKE! After coffee I'm going to have to force myself to do some domestic chores but then I will be a studio rat for the remainder of the day. I have batts to make, jewelry to finish, and I might even get a little spinning in. Today, life is very good.

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