Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's a new year...

I've never really been one to make resolutions or feel like the beginning of a calendar year is the start of something fresh but for some reason this year is different. I feel like I need to make the next steps in my career as an artist not the stagnant artist who works at the liquor store. I began work on my official artist website a few weeks before Christmas. I bought the domain name, (which by the way, web squatters suck so I didn't get the one I want...) and have since designed my very own site with I Web on my Mac. I haven't gone live with it yet, but you can bet I'll be announcing the pants off of that when I do. :)

Anyhow I have made a list of the things that I feel like I need to at least try to do because that ol' resume of mine isn't building itself. It is as follows:

-Get published
-5 Art Fairs/Festivals
-5 Fiber Shows/Festivals
-Apply for internships
-Look into getting my teaching certification

These goals may seem lofty but I think I can get them all covered. I am going to at least apply and research all of these things, it is not exactly in my hands as far as whether or not I get accepted.

I am going to be submitting a few of my felted pieces to the 500 Felted Objects book that Lark is currently accepting entries for. I have been waiting and hoping that they would finally get around to a 500 series book with a focus on felt and was so excited to find out that they finally did. Unfortunately, I don't know if I found out in time to make a new piece. I'm hoping to get a really fancy pants jewelry piece finished though. The felted Geodes piece pictured above will definitely be an entry though.

Hopefully, I can handle it all and the list will grow for next year. I would certainly hope that if I can manage it all that when grad. school calls my name down the line, I'll be ready for it. 


idyll hands said...

Oh yay! I hope you get in the Lark book. I tried for an earring one a while back and have wanted to try for another one. Felting is something I've played with but I'm certainly not an expert. I leave the entries up to the other artists out there :)

emily said...

thanks erin! I am really worried that my photos aren't going to be up to snuff and I don't have much time to get things around. you should definitely keep entering things though! I'm always checking their site for new opps. :)